Mari is the most powerful and multifaceted goddess in Basque mythology, an archetype of the cave-dwelling 'mother earth goddess' who has a strong influence on the climate of everything around us: skies, mountains, seas, rivers and fields.

Until the advent of Christianity, Mari was seen as a beneficent deity who connected, through a golden thread, the real world with the realm of the invisible and extraordinary. Later, the Church turned her into an evil woman representing the pagan and diabolical. With the passage of time, however, the figure of Mari has managed to regain her status as a defender of freedom and just causes. It is said that if she is invoked three times in a row ("Aketegico Dama") she will come in her chariot of fire, in the guise of an elegant goat-lady to help us re-establish the thread of our lives.

There are many theories about the origin, appearance and attributions of Mari (also called Maddi). She can be a tyrannical or loving woman, have long golden hair, have the legs of a goat and the claws of a raptor or be a whispering tree-woman.

Mari can be cruel and devour shepherds and sheep or, on the contrary, bring in abundant harvests; she can be evil and disobedient or a contentious and libertarian woman.